When someone loses a loved one, they often wish there was some way to contact them, to talk with them, to find out if they are okay. Some people choose to seek out a medium to make this contact. And sometimes spirits contact a medium to pass along a message to a specific person. This latter has happened to me many times and I always convey the message as soon as possible.
I was recently contacted by one of the individuals who I’d given a message to some years ago. She wanted a bit of clarification on something I’d told her and expressed the wish that she could talk to the deceased herself.
“You can,” I explained. I know this woman is deeply religious so I suggested she talk to the individual while praying. I then clarified that this doesn’t mean she prays to the spirits of people who have moved on, though there are cultures who do support this. I said that just thinking of what she wanted to say while praying or even while she was just relaxing would be enough.
I know the spirit will hear her. The trick is in recognizing/understanding a response.
Spirits are all around us and like God, they communicate to us in many ways. In this particular situation, I know this spirit has reached out to this woman and her family before. Once, when several family members were having dinner together and talking about the woman who had died, her favorite song suddenly came over the speakers in the restaurant they were in.
Another time, a family member felt something lovingly rub her arm while she lay in bed thinking of the deceased. In another case, the spirit appeared to one of the family members in a very beautiful vivid dream.
I encouraged the woman to continue talking to the spirit, knowing that the thoughts were heard. Then to simply relax and allow an answer to come.
Spirits know how we think and feel and they will talk to us in a way that makes sense for us. For instance, when I get information, it’s often in pictures that pop into my mind or other communications that I have to sort out like a puzzle. Given how my mind works, this makes a great deal of sense.
At one point I lamented to God that it took time to figure certain things out but He replied You wouldn’t have it any other way. And He is right. I love solving puzzles and working through complex situations.
I know that this woman has recently tried my suggestion. She mentioned it feeling a little awkward and that I made it sound so easy. Welllll…
I’ve had a lifetime of practice. I also told her that I still struggle with my clairaudience which is a skill developed fairly recently. For more on this, see my book Angels and Engineers.
I told her to relax and not have any preset expectations. I advised her to be open to however this spirit wanted to communicate. In the meantime, to be assured that what she wants to say will definitely be heard.
This approach can be used with angels and God. It really doesn’t have to be complicated.